The SCIM Gateway for OIDCS from Aquera is a cloud-based service providing instant out-of-the-box connectivity between OIDCS and all user import sources and provisioning target applications, directories, databases, servers or devices that an organization operates, which are not covered by the OIDCS connector portfolio. The SCIM Gateway powers OIDCS to continuously import user account information into OIDCS and for the account provisioning lifecycle, the SCIM Gateway enables OIDCS to create, update, deactivate and delete user accounts in any application, database, directory, server or device. The scope of this even includes provisioning cloud apps without user management APIs via admin console automation and custom homegrown applications via SQL calls or admin console automation. The comprehensive list of methods for integrating with the targets include REST APIs, SOAP or web service APIs, admin console automation, SQL/JDBC, FTP, LDAP, SDKs, code libraries, and middleware messaging queues.

The SCIM Gateway for OIDCS can be configured to support various use cases and these configurations are illustrated in the diagrams. The Provisioning Gateway configuration is used for updating, deactivating, deleting and provisioning accounts for any target from OIDCS, while the User Import Bridge configuration is used for importing users into OIDCS from any source.

Aquera connects the source and target sources to OIDCS using SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management), a protocol natively supported by OIDCS. This allows OIDCS to carry out both read and write operations against the target sources including user information sources. The SCIM protocol is an IETF standard for automating the exchange of user identity information between identity domains or IT systems. For all employees, partners and customers, OIDCS will have the ability to create, read (import), update, and delete any number of users, groups, and entitlement attributes available from the target sources for monitoring, user importation, and automated account deactivation and deletion, and account provisioning.

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